These stocks are usually going up or down with news.If you are looking to day trade, you might want to check out the following stocks. I usually throw these on my watch list and monitor with resistance & support levels.These are the Top Performing China Stocks Stocks for the Performing of the day. Also more stock to watch for today.
Below these are the Performing China stocks of the day May 18, 2011.
Ticker Company Change
CTC IFM Investments Limited 22.84%
VNET 21Vianet Group Inc. 11.88%
MOBI Sky-mobi Limited 10.88%
XING Qiao Xing Universal Resources, Inc. 9.20%
HPJ Highpower International, Inc. 9.09%
CHGS China GengSheng Minerals, Inc 8.49%
NWD New Dragon Asia Corp. 8.33%
CNYD China Yida Holding, Co. 8.24%
ORS Orsus Xelent Technologies Inc. 7.62%
CNTF China Techfaith Wireless Communication Technology Limited 7.50%
NEWN New Energy Systems Group 7.49%
GAME Shanda Games Limited 7.40%
NOAH Noah Holdings Limited 7.23%
LAS Lentuo International Inc. 7.20%
SHZ China Shen Zhou Mining & Resources, Inc. 7.16%
HGSH China HGS Real Estate Inc. 6.38%
CVVT China Valves Technology, Inc. 6.35%
KUN China Shenghuo Pharmaceutical Holdings, Inc. 6.25%
ZOOM ZOOM Technologies, Inc. 6.04%
FEED AgFeed Industries, Inc. 5.88%
CBPO China Biologic Products, Inc. 5.69%
UTSI UTStarcom, Inc. 5.66%
QKLS QKL Stores Inc. 5.62%
GFRE Gulf Resources, Inc. 4.78%
FFHL Fuwei Films (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 4.72%
XNY China Xiniya Fashion Limited 4.49%
KH China Kanghui Holdings 4.41%
EDU New Oriental Education & Technology Group 4.20%
AMCF Andatee China Marine Fuel Services Corporation 4.14%
HRBN Harbin Electric, Inc. 3.99%
CHBT China-Biotics, Inc. 3.88%
GPRC Guanwei Recycling Corp. 3.76%
ACH Aluminum Corporation Of China Limited 3.73%
NEP China North East Petroleum Holdings Limited 3.64%
DANG E-Commerce China Dangdang Inc. 3.61%
JGBO Jiangbo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 3.57%
VALV Shengkai Innovations, Inc. 3.50%
KNDI Kandi Technologies, Corp 3.41%
JOBS 51job Inc. 3.28%
CHA China Telecom Corp. Ltd. 3.28%
EJ E-House (China) Holdings Limited 3.26%
CTE SinoTech Energy Limited 3.26%
CIIC China Infrastructure Investment Corp. 3.23%
QXM Qiao Xing Mobile Communication Co., Ltd. 3.16%
DQ Daqo New Energy Corp. 3.10%
STV China Digital TV Holding Co., Ltd. 3.05%
CYOU Limited 2.94%
SFUN SouFun Holdings Ltd. 2.88%
BWOW Wowjoint Holdings Limited 2.78%
CEA China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd. 2.42%
WH WSP Holdings Ltd. 2.36%
JRJC China Finance Online Co. Ltd. 2.29%
CHNG China Natural Gas, Inc. 2.27%
TBV Tiens Biotech Group USA Inc. 2.26%
AMBO Ambow Education Holding Ltd. 2.18%
QIHU Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd. A 2.16%
BITA Bitauto Holdings Limited 2.13%
AUTC AutoChina International Ltd. 2.05%
SHP ShangPharma Corporation 2.04%
ZA Zuoan Fashion Limited 2.04%
CGA China Green Agriculture, Inc. 2.00%
YZC Yanzhou Coal Mining Co. Ltd. 2.00%
XIN Xinyuan Real Estate Co., Ltd. 1.86%
TSTC Telestone Technologies Corp. 1.84%
SKBI Skystar Bio Pharmaceutical Company 1.83%
NKBP China Nuokang Bio-Pharmaceutical Inc. 1.75%
LFC China Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 1.74%
CPGI China Shengda Packaging Group Inc. 1.72%
PTR PetroChina Co. Ltd. 1.71%
CSUN China Sunergy Co. Ltd. 1.69%
ZNH China Southern Airlines Co. Ltd. 1.69%
HSOL Hanwha SolarOne, Ltd. 1.66%
NED Noah Education Holdings, Ltd. 1.63%
HOLI Hollysys Automation Technologies, Ltd 1.60%
SVN 7 Days Group Holdings Limited 1.58%
JASO JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. 1.57%
SSRX 3SBio Inc. 1.56%
XRS TAL Education Group 1.55%
TRIT Tri-Tech Holding, Inc. 1.52%
SPRD Spreadtrum Communications Inc. 1.50%
STP Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd. 1.49%
THTI THT Heat Transfer Technology, Inc. 1.47%
SUTR Sutor Technology Group Limited 1.46%
CBAK China BAK Battery, Inc. 1.44%
JST Jinpan International Ltd. 1.41%
HNP Huaneng Power International Inc. 1.35%
NPD China Nepstar Chain Drugstore Ltd. 1.27%
DEER Deer Consumer Products, Inc. 1.21%
SOL ReneSola Ltd. 1.19%
MCOX Mecox Lane Limited 1.19%
CNGL China Nutrifruit Group Limited 1.18%
JKS JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. 1.16%
NCTY The9 Limited 1.16%
VIMC Vimicro International Corp. 1.14%
CHOP China Gerui Advanced Materials Group Ltd. 1.07%
HOGS Zhongpin, Inc. 1.02%
XUE Xueda Education Group 1.02%
CCCL China Ceramics Co., Ltd. 1.01%
SOHU Inc. 1.01%
BCDS BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 0.97%
CJJD China Jo-Jo Drugstores, Inc. 0.93%
CEDU ChinaEdu Corporation 0.92%
CXDC China XD Plastics Company Ltd. 0.90%
ACTS Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 0.88%
CMED China Medical Technologies Inc. 0.87%
SHI Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co. Ltd. 0.87%
GU Gushan Environmental Energy Limited 0.84%
SNP China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. 0.83%
SCR Simcere Pharmaceutical Group. 0.82%
FTLK Funtalk China Holdings Limited 0.79%
VISN VisionChina Media Inc. 0.73%
CBP China Botanic Pharmaceutical Inc. 0.73%
GSH Guangshen Railway Co. Ltd. 0.68%
SPU SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc. 0.56%
CCSC Country Style Cooking Restaurant Chain Co., Ltd. 0.54%
SVA Sinovac Biotech Ltd. 0.50%
ADY Feihe International, Inc. 0.48%
NTE Nam Tai Electronics, Inc. 0.34%
CMFO China Marine Food Group Limited 0.31%
DHRM Dehaier Medical Systems Limited 0.29%
NTES, Inc. 0.20%
MR Mindray Medical International Limited 0.17%
HMIN Home Inns & Hotels Management Inc. 0.16%
WX WuXi PharmaTech (Cayman) Inc. 0.11%
CHRM Charm Communications Inc. 0.08%
YOKU Inc 0.06%
HTHT China Lodging Group, Limited 0.05%
BIDU Baidu, Inc. 0.02%
ATV Acorn International, Inc. 0.00%
CEU China Education Alliance Inc. 0.00%
CALI China Auto Logistic Inc. 0.00%
CPC Chemspec International Limited 0.00%
CRIC China Real Estate Information Corporation 0.00%
CSR China Security & Surveillance Technology, Inc. 0.00%
LTON Linktone Ltd. 0.00%
GRO Agria Corporation 0.00%
NFEC NF Energy Saving Corp. 0.00%
TBOW Trunkbow International Holdings, Ltd. 0.00%
TCM Tongjitang Chinese Medicines Co. 0.00%
YGE Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd. -0.10%
GEDU Global Education & Technology Group Limited -0.18%
HSFT hiSoft Technology International Ltd. -0.20%
LDK LDK Solar Co., Ltd. -0.23%
SCOK SinoCoking and Coke Chemical Industries, Inc. -0.32%
CSKI China Sky One Medical, Inc. -0.33%
JNGW Jingwei International Limited -0.41%
GSI General Steel Holdings, Inc. -0.48%
FSIN Fushi Copperweld, Inc. -0.54%
SMI Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. -0.58%
RCON Recon Technology, Ltd. -0.62%
OSN Ossen Innovation Co., Ltd. -0.62%
LIWA Lihua International, Inc. -0.65%
ASIA AsiaInfo-Linkage,Inc. -0.77%
WWIN Winner Medical Group Inc. -0.78%
ONP Orient Paper, Inc. -0.79%
AOB American Oriental Bioengineering Inc. -0.79%
CFSG China Fire & Security Group, Inc. -0.83%
SYSW Syswin Inc. -0.84%
RDA RDA Microelectronics, Inc. -0.86%
TPI Tianyin Pharmaceutical Co., Inc. -0.96%
SNDA Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd. -1.00%
YTEC Yucheng Technologies Limited -1.02%
CHLN China Housing and Land Development, Inc. -1.04%
CNIT China Information Technology, Inc. -1.09%
CCIH ChinaCache International Holdings Ltd. -1.10%
AMCN AirMedia Group Inc. -1.14%
YUII Yuhe International, Inc. -1.24%
MY China Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited -1.25%
CAAS China Automotive Systems Inc. -1.26%
CREG China Recycling Energy Corporation -1.27%
PSOF Pansoft Company Limited -1.33%
ISS Isoftstone Holdings Limited -1.35%
SINA Sina Corp. -1.36%
RINO RINO International Corporation -1.45%
CNET ChinaNet Online Holdings, Inc. -1.46%
LZEN Lizhan Environmental Corporatio -1.48%
SEED Origin Agritech Limited -1.50%
BONA Bona Film Group Limited -1.55%
TSL Trina Solar Ltd. -1.60%
LPH Longwei Petroleum Investment Holding Limited -1.67%
ATAI ATA, Inc. -1.71%
VIT VanceInfo Technologies Inc. -1.71%
KONG Kongzhong Corp. -1.72%
PWRD Perfect World Co., Ltd. -1.80%
CMM China Mass Media Corp. -1.80%
CPHI China Pharma Holdings, Inc. -1.86%
CTFO China TransInfo Technology Corp. -1.90%
BORN China New Borun Corporation -1.91%
BEST Shiner International, Inc. -1.94%
APWR A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd. -1.94%
CTRP International Ltd. -1.99%
HEAT SmartHeat Inc. -2.05%
FUQI Fuqi International, Inc. -2.29%
ZSTN ZST Digital Networks, Inc. -2.48%
SCEI Sino Clean Energy Inc -2.57%
CIS Camelot Information Systems Inc. -2.59%
CCM Concord Medical Services Holdings Limited -2.61%
CWS China Wind Systems, Inc. -2.61%
EFUT e-Future Information Technology Inc. -2.63%
DL China Distance Education Holdings Limited -2.65%
NINE Ninetowns Internet Technology Group Company Limited -2.78%
WUHN Wuhan General Group (China) Inc. -2.94%
SGOC SGOCO Group, Ltd. -2.94%
OINK Tianli Agritech, Inc. -3.36%
GA Giant Interactive Group, Inc. -3.64%
COGO Cogo Group, Inc. -3.90%
AMAP AutoNavi Holdings Limited -3.93%
BSPM Biostar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. -3.95%
CISG Cninsure Inc. -4.14%
SIHI SinoHub, Inc. -4.26%
SORL SORL Auto Parts, Inc. -4.32%
GRRF China GrenTech Corp. Ltd. -4.53%
YONG Yongye International, Inc. -5.46%
LONG eLong Inc. -5.53%
ALN American Lorain Corporation -5.88%
CHC China Hydroelectric Corporation -8.03%
KONE Kingtone Wirelessinfo Solution Holding Ltd. -8.77%
CTEK Clean Tech Innovations -10.00%
CABL China Cablecom Holdings, Ltd. -10.71%
TBET Tibet Pharmaceuticals, Inc. -11.35%
KUTV Ku6 Media Co., Ltd. -12.53%
NOEC New Oriental Energy & Chemical Corp -33.33%
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