These stocks are usually going up with news.If you are looking to day trade, you might want to check out the following stocks. I usually throw these on my watch list and monitor with resistance & support levels.These are the Top Performing Canadian Stocks on Ended May 22, 2011. Also check out my Top 2011 Stock Gainers , Stocks to Buy 2011.Also more stock to watch for today
Ticker Company Performance (Week)
POLXF Polydex Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 87.50%
FSI Flexible Solutions International Inc. 16.59%
BQI Oilsands Quest, Inc. 16.03%
KFS Kingsway Financial Services Inc. 12.87%
PZG Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. 12.73%
IAG IAMGOLD Corp. 11.67%
NSU Nevsun Resources Ltd. 11.05%
MDCA MDC Partners Inc. 9.23%
MERC Mercer International Inc. 8.73%
CGR Claude Resources, Inc. 8.50%
TCK Teck Resources Limited 7.85%
STKL SunOpta Inc. 7.58%
AZC Augusta Resource Corp. 6.67%
XG Extorre Gold Mines Ltd. Ordinar 6.27%
HWD Harry Winston Diamond Corporation 6.11%
ERF Enerplus Corporation 5.78%
AZK Aurizon Mines Ltd. 5.51%
ONCY Oncolytics Biotech Inc. 5.23%
RCI Rogers Communications Inc. 4.95%
KGC Kinross Gold Corporation 4.92%
IVN Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. 4.78%
SMTX SMTC Corp. 4.67%
GRS Gammon Gold, Inc. 4.62%
CRME Cardiome Pharma Corp. 4.53%
AAV Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. 4.42%
BRD Brigus Gold Corp 4.29%
MFN Minefinders Corp. Ltd. 3.98%
EGO Eldorado Gold Corp. 3.77%
ENB Enbridge Inc. 3.62%
XRA Exeter Resource Corporation 3.51%
MITL Mitel Networks Corp. 3.47%
DEJ Dejour Enterprises, Ltd. 3.43%
HBM HudBay Minerals, Inc. 3.40%
NXG Northgate Minerals Corp. 3.20%
CCJ Cameco Corp. 3.12%
NYMX Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation 3.10%
CNQ Canadian Natural Resources Limited 3.10%
TRP TransCanada Corp. 3.01%
SLW Silver Wheaton Corp. 2.87%
IMO Imperial Oil Ltd. 2.85%
TGA TransGlobe Energy Corp. 2.82%
COT Cott Corporation 2.77%
QMM Quaterra Resources Inc. 2.74%
TD The Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.66%
CVE Cenovus Energy Inc. 2.65%
ECA Encana Corporation 2.60%
SJR Shaw Communications, Inc. 2.52%
BAM Brookfield Asset Management Inc. 2.48%
KBX Kimber Resources Inc. 2.40%
PGH Pengrowth Energy Corporation 2.31%
AUY Yamana Gold, Inc. 2.29%
KGN Keegan Resources Inc. 2.28%
RY Royal Bank of Canada 2.25%
TAC TransAlta Corp. 2.25%
NXY Nexen Inc. 2.19%
TRE Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corp. 2.18%
BTE Baytex Energy Corp. 2.17%
OTEX Open Text Corp. 2.15%
AEM Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. 2.11%
BMO Bank of Montreal 2.09%
BCE BCE, Inc. 2.07%
SU Suncor Energy Inc. 2.06%
DSGX Descartes Systems Group Inc. 1.98%
YMI YM BioSciences Inc. 1.91%
GG Goldcorp Inc. 1.91%
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 1.89%
CNI Canadian National Railway Company 1.82%
GTU Central GoldTrust 1.76%
PAAS Pan American Silver Corp. 1.68%
TTT Terra Nova Royalty Corporation 1.59%
NGD New Gold, Inc. 1.51%
TU TELUS Corporation 1.46%
BNS The Bank Of Nova Scotia 1.40%
PBM Pacific Booker Minerals Inc. 1.35%
RBY Rubicon Minerals Corporation 1.33%
WPRT Westport Innovations Inc. 1.32%
ABX Barrick Gold Corporation 1.31%
SA Seabridge Gold, Inc. 1.13%
LULU Lululemon Athletica Inc. 1.11%
MFC Manulife Financial Corporation 1.01%
NG NovaGold Resources Inc. 0.97%
HBP Helix Biopharma Corp. 0.96%
MEOH Methanex Corp. 0.92%
POT Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan, Inc. 0.89%
MDM Mountain Province Diamonds Inc. 0.85%
SLF Sun Life Financial Inc. 0.80%
RIMM Research In Motion Limited 0.65%
PLG Platinum Group Metals Ltd. 0.50%
MIM MI Developments Inc. 0.50%
UXG US Gold Corporation 0.45%
FSRV FirstService Corp. 0.32%
BIN IESI-BFC Ltd. 0.32%
PDS Precision Drilling Corporation 0.28%
CLS Celestica Inc. 0.19%
CP Canadian Pacific Railway Limited 0.06%
GGR GeoGlobal Resources Inc. 0.00%
GIB CGI Group, Inc. 0.00%
COMT Comamtech Inc. 0.00%
APT Alpha Pro Tech Ltd. 0.00%
PVX Provident Energy Ltd. 0.00%
SILU Sprott Resource Lending Corp. 0.00%
CFK CE Franklin Ltd. -0.10%
AG First Majestic Silver Corp. -0.11%
SWIR Sierra Wireless Inc. -0.18%
TGB Taseko Mines Ltd. -0.40%
THM International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. -0.48%
CEF Central Fund of Canada Limited -0.53%
AGU Agrium Inc. -0.61%
IMAX IMAX Corporation -0.68%
REE Rare Element Resources Ltd. -0.76%
UFS Domtar Corporation -0.78%
SSRI Silver Standard Resources Inc. -0.81%
TLM Talisman Energy Inc. -1.04%
VRX Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. -1.10%
EQU Equal Energy Ltd. -1.20%
BAA Banro Corporation -1.20%
TCX Tucows Inc. -1.23%
SVM Silvercorp Metals Inc. -1.44%
EXK Endeavour Silver Corp. -1.45%
RBA Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Incorporated -1.55%
THI Tim Hortons Inc. -1.61%
GTE Gran Tierra Energy, Inc. -1.65%
EGI Entree Gold Inc. -1.69%
HYGS Hydrogenics Corp. -1.70%
AEZS AEterna Zentaris Inc. (USA) -1.75%
KRY Crystallex International Corp. -1.75%
MGA Magna International, Inc. -1.84%
GIL Gildan Activewear Inc. -1.85%
VTNC Vitran Corp Inc. -1.88%
PWE Penn West Petroleum Ltd. -1.89%
CAE CAE Inc. -1.95%
MVG Mag Silver Corp. -2.09%
DRWI DragonWave Inc. -2.47%
TK Teekay Corporation -2.53%
LGF Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. -2.61%
SOQ Sonde Resources Corp. -2.65%
CXZ Crosshair Exploration & Mining Corp. -2.67%
STN Stantec Inc. -2.81%
NDZ Nordion Inc. -2.98%
MBA CIBT Education Group Inc. -3.23%
RIC Richmont Mines Inc. -3.30%
AXU Alexco Resource Corporation -3.42%
QLTI QLT Inc. -3.60%
EXFO EXFO Inc -3.90%
PLM Polymet Mining Corp. -3.95%
CDY Cardero Resource Corp. -4.19%
GNBT Generex Biotechnology Corp. -4.35%
ECGI Envoy Capital Group, Inc. -4.73%
MGH Minco Gold Corporation -5.10%
DNN Denison Mines Corp. -5.14%
DDSS Labopharm Inc. -5.14%
IVAN Ivanhoe Energy Inc. -5.60%
NAK Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. -5.66%
CSFS The Cash Store Financial Services, Inc. -5.70%
CSIQ Canadian Solar Inc. -5.79%
BLDP Ballard Power Systems Inc. -5.88%
AAU Almaden Minerals Ltd. -6.02%
LMLP LML Payment Systems Inc. -6.10%
TTHI Transition Therapeutics Inc. -6.40%
GPL Great Panther Silver Ltd -6.75%
KXM Kobex Minerals, Inc. -9.09%
IMRS IMRIS, Inc. -9.50%
PAL North American Palladium Ltd. -10.26%
GLGL GLG Life Tech Corporation -11.61%
LBIX Leading Brands Inc. -15.95%
BMJ Birks & Mayors Inc. -18.71%
NOA North American Energy Partners Inc. -27.44%
QSND QSound Labs Inc. -60.00%
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Iranian officers optimistic once Geneva talks
A day once talks in Geneva between Iran and 6 world powers over Tehran's is
nuclear energy renewable ambitio...
11 years ago